Textbook Omission
September 2013 - The fears of many democrats are beginning their realization as students head back to school this fall. High school and middle school students across the country will tread into their history classes every day with some new entries in their textbooks.
The textbook cabal has finally finished their standard entry on the presidency of George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States. The sole focus of the entry will be the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.
Many liberals had hoped his legacy would be one of the debacle he started with his war in Iraq. What they failed to foresee was that the Iraq war would still be raging today, over ten years after the claimed "liberation of Iraq." Textbook editors have been hesitant to cover "contemporary issues," instead waiting for history to develop a retroactive look at the matter.
"We're not going to put current affairs into a history textbook," said one editor. "As such, we had no choice but to cut out any and all reference to the Iraq war when discussing President Bush."While some feel this unfairly characterizes Bush as the president who stood up against terrorism, others are less concerned.
"Sure, my kids might not get the full story from their textbook," said one parent. "But they all know that Bush started the Iraq war and I don't think they'll forget it anytime soon. All one has to do is turn on the TV to any news channel and they'll be reminded all day long about how horrible everything is in Iraq."
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