wisconsin's truthtastic news source

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Grothman to Star in Da Vinci Code

West Bend - State Senator Glenn Grothman announced today that he will be taking time off from the campaign trail in his off-year this fall for principal shooting of The Da Vinci Code in which he will star as Silas, a character from Dan Brown's famous book.

Silas is an albino devotee of Opus Dei who practices severe corporal mortification. Before the beginning of the events in the novel, he is put in contact with a Teacher who tells him that the mission he will be given is of utmost importance in saving the true Word of God. Under the orders of the Teacher, he murders Jacques Saunière and the other three leaders of the Priory of Sion in order to extract the location of the Priory's clef de voûte or "keystone".

"Looks aside," said Ron Howard, "he is a perfect match for the character. You can find similarities in their lives."

In the last general election and its primary, Glenn Grothman destroyed the political life of Senator Mary Panzer, for the sake of TABOR and the Republican Party of Wisconsin.

Similarly, Silas is reluctant to commit murder, knowing that it is a sin, and does so only because he is assured his actions will save the Church.

Their story further correlates, as Silas discovers later that he has been duped with false information, leading him to chase Langdon and Neveu in order to obtain the actual keystone.

Following the story's arc; after ascending to the Senate at the direction of his Teacher, Speaker Gard, Grothman too is abandoned as the Teacher begins his quest for federal glory. Meanwhile, the Senate continues to avoid the subject of TABOR despite Grothman's takeover.


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